The Blog

A Bright and Shiny New Look

Finally finished rewriting the CSS for my site here. At first I was just refactoring it the way it looked before (it was kind of a pale yellow and cornflower blue combo), but then I changed my mind and went in a completely different direction.

I started getting my hair colored in a bright red and orange (and sometimes pink/orange) in March 2018. At the EE Conf late last year, it was suggested to me to perhaps make my hair part of my ‘brand’, if I was going to maintain the color. I have maintained it, although red has shifted to pink, and thus the colors of my site - pink and orange. I know, it’s bright, it’s bold, but hey - it is fitting!

There are still some things I would like to tweak, like adding some line-height to the text here for easier reading, and I’m not 100% sold on the fonts either. That will be adjusted in time.

I don’t have comments enabled at this time. I may add the later, I haven’t decided yet. But if you need to get in touch with me, my contact form should be working, so hop over there and drop me a line!

posted on: Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 6:20pm
written by: Niki