The Blog

Welcome to My World, or tap tap is this thing on?

Well then. I haven’t written in a blog in like forever. The posts on most of my older personal blogs end somewhere in 2015 or earlier.

I used to write quite a bit, sometimes about random thoughts I had, or some event or happening, sometimes a specific topic, and often, just rants about this or that. A couple of my personal favorites, were ‘a letter to my cat’, where I wrote to one of our two cats after a couple of visits to the vet and how he had showed his distaste for traveling.

I tried getting into the ‘paid blogging’ scene, or ‘pay per post’, but after some attempts and getting only a few bucks, I dropped that and just went back to writing for myself. I also tried niche blogs, but didn’t really get anywhere with that either. I think I got *maybe* $100 from Google Ad clicks, over the course of a couple of years. Pretty awful, really, when compared to others who claimed to be raking in cash hand over fist with that and affiliate links, etc.

For some strange reason I still keep the domains around even though I don’t post to them anymore. Two of the niche blogs I did the most work on, I have running on CraftCMS (v2) after moving them off of WordPress. One really old one I still have lingering about on EE v2.x. And the rest are WP, which I do keep up to date and secured as best I can.

I hadn’t originally planned on putting up a blog here on this domain, but lately I thought maybe I should. It would be nice to get back into writing more frequently, if for no one but myself.

I just have to decide how personal I want to go with it, or if I should keep it fairly professional since this is technically my portfolio site. Maybe a balance of both?

That’s it for now I suppose. I need to get back to work on refactoring the CSS for this place, and deciding when to post up a link to this area in my menu to make this formally ‘public’. I probably should at least get categories and stuff like that created before making the post easy to find, though. Haha.

posted on: Friday, September 14, 2018 at 3:38pm
written by: Niki