
HTExtreme desktop view
Desktop view
HTExtreme mobile view
mobile view (iPhone 6 Plus size)
HTExtreme tablet view
Tablet view

This site was built with ExpressionEngine 2, BrilliantRetail, and used Foundation by Zurb as the framework.

While the client was happy with the results, I was (and am still) not 100% happy with it. The nav menu still needs some work, which I hashed out on a test site of my own, but the client has yet to provide me with the backend login credentials that they changed not long after I completed the original work, so that I can fix what I feel is still wrong with the site. If the page looks a lot like the default Brilliant Retail template, it is because it pretty much is just that. The client liked it and didn't seem interested in changing very much of it at all outside of a few minor tweaks. While a bit of a disappointment that it wasn't very creative, it did allow for much faster development of the site in general.

The client needed a translator in the event any of their customers did not speak or read English, and as the client predicted many of their customers may originate in China, I needed to use a translator that would not be blocked by Chinese ISPs. So I went with Bing, because Google is currently blocked by China for an undetermined amount of time. In my screenshots, the translator icon only shows up on the desktop view; on mobile it should appear on the upper left corner, and on tablet views, it should be in about the same place as it is on desktop.

(edited to note: looks like their site is gone; I know they reserved their domain for 10 years, but they apparently let their hosting expire. I removed the link to their old site because the domain now seems to forward to a phishing site. Fun times.)

While I wish that the client would provide the login credentials to me again so I can fix the code on the site, it will be a year since I completed it (in August) and they haven't really done anything with it since I launched it, so I guess they aren't really too concerned with how it looks at the moment. It's a pity really, as the changes I have prepared make a big difference on how everything navigates, both on desktop and on mobile. Especially on mobile.

(edit: I removed the site from my own domain when I ditched WordPress and went to EE and didn't set up the subfolder for theirs again.)
My redo of it is here: HTEXTREME take 2