
The Prismatic Dragon
Prismatic Dragon 1
Prismatic Dragon 2
Prismatic Dragon 3
Prismatic Dragon 4
Prismatic Dragon 5
Prismatic Dragon 6
Hand drawn dragon

The Prismatic Dragon was my first website where I blogged regularly. I started out on it with Moveable Type, which got hacked pretty handily and forced me to choose an alternative CMS that wasn't so easy to hack. Thus my entrance into the world of ExpressionEngine, starting with v1.x.

On this site, I had a small php script set up so that the view could be 'skinned' - giving viewers the option to choose whatever design they liked best. It stopped working some time after php5 and I've not had the time to try to hack out a new working version. It was a lifted script anyway, from someone who had posted it for free use but was no longer updating anything on their site to keep the script current. My skill with php is pretty limited, so it sits idle, waiting to be fixed, if it ever can be.

Anyway, these screenshots will show the different designs I came up with on my own, and I had an additional three others that were pre-fab themes built by someone else. I had a total of six choices for visitors to pick from while that script was working.

Since these were all designed before mobile browsing was a thing, most of them aren't mobile friendly, although a couple have percentage based widths, so shrink when the page is smaller.